Also Know as:
Persian Greyhound/Eastern Greyhound, Sage Balochi, Baluchi Hound, Tazi, Ogar Afgan
Origin: Afghanistan
Type: Pure Breed
Height: 27 to 29 inches
Weight: 50 to 64 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12 to 14 years
The Afghan hound is well known for its aloof and dignified temperament. But don’t be fooled, they also have a clownish side which they show when playing. Naturally a happy dog, they are not the most intelligent of dog breeds, having said that, they are neither fools. This impression of the afghan dog is due to its cat-like nature. That is to say, the afghan hound likes his or her independence very much and would give you some attitude if they feel disrespected.
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Physically, they are high-stationed dogs. Standing from 27 to 29 inches in height and weighing from 50 to 64 pounds. They come in a variant of coat colors, from blue, black, red, cream, white to silver colors, they also have mixed colors like the “blue and cream”, “black and silver”, and the “black and silver” colors. A unique physical attribute in all afghan hounds is the white blaze on their chest. Their long and fine-textured coat needs a lot of care and grooming.
For the matured ones, their long topknot and short hair saddle on their back is a very unique feature in them. They also have high hipbones and a very distinctive small ring at the end of their tails


There are claims that the Afghan hound is the oldest purebred dog to ever exist. In fact, legends have it that the Afghan hound was one of the breeds that were harbored in Noah’s ark during the great flood. There are also mentions of these breeds in the Egyptian papyruses. Although there is no real evidence to back up these claims. What the three claims above points out is that the Afghan hound predates any recorded history we know.
Evidence abounds that the Afghan hound originated from the region we now call Afghanistan, the oldest bone records of this breed were found here. There are also records of this breed being a hunting companion and status symbol for royalty, tribal chiefs, and aristocrats all around Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan region.
The Afghan hound came to be known in the west towards the ending of the eighteenth century, they were already well known in the east, but were brought to the west by Officers of the British empire usually coming back from their conquests. By the beginning of the nineteenth century, the afghan hound had gained acceptability in the west.
It wasn’t until 1927 that this breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club as an authentic dog breed. In 1940 the Afghan hound club was admitted membership to the American Kennel Club. Their popularity increased in America in the 1970s when Zeppo Marx, one of the Marx brothers brought his Hounds to America and increased in more popularity in the 1980s when the Afghan hound was introduced as Barbie’s pet dog, instantly skyrocketing its popularity and appeal.

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