Adopting a puppy or dog into your home can be a very rewarding experience, but doing this wrongly can leave you in anguish and having lots of regrets.
Learn the basic things you should know before bringing your new puppy into your household and other helpful tips that will help you during the adoption process.
Things you will learn here:
- 1. Avoid Disappointment With These Simple Tips.
- 2. Checking out Different Dog Breeds.
- 3. About Mixed-Breed.
- 4. Being Objective and Logical.
- 5. Connect With Other Dog Parents.
- 6. Research, Research, Research!!!
- 7. Knowing Your Dog as an Individual.
- 8. Getting Your Home and Family Ready for the New Dog.
- 9. Dog Supplies: Buying them.
- 10.Finding the Perfect Dog Breeder?
- 11.Your Dogs Health.
- 12.The long-Term Implications of Adopting a Dog.
- 13.Bringing Your Dog Home.
- 14.In Conclusion.
Avoid Disappointment With These Simple Tips.
To make sure that you are going to be happy with the new puppy or dog you are about to adopt, there are important tips to adhere to when adopting your dog. Adhering to these tips makes a whole world of difference in whether you are going to enjoy the companionship of your new dog friend or regret ever adopting your new dog.
A common mistake most people make is to adopt a dog instantly or at a moment’s notice. They see a dog a puppy in a pet shop or a television ad and decide at the spur of the moment that the puppy is too cute and they want it.
If you ever find yourself in such a situation, stop yourself immediately. Doing so is always a bad idea. Read through this article to the end and get a good understanding of what it entails for you to bring a new dog into your family.
The number two mistake people always make is not taking into consideration the cost of keeping a new dog. Whether the dog is initially expensive to get or not, paying for a new dog is only just the beginning of the actual expense involved. Your new dog will need to eat regularly, he or she would need basic dog supplies and also don’t forget about their health. A regular veterinary clinic checkup should be in the works (if you want the best for your dog). All these expenses need to be taken into consideration if you want the best from your dog.
There is also the problem that comes with trying to build a relationship with your new dog based on a relationship that you have had with another dog in the past. Trying to do this always ends up in disappointment. This is for the simple reason that all dogs have different personality types. Even dogs of the same breed exhibit different attributes.
Just as each human being is unique in character and disposition, so are our dogs and they should be treated as such.
Fourthly, never get a dog just because one member of your family wants it so badly. No matter who the dog chooses to be the alpha, or who the initial responsibility for taking care of the dog is. The dog is coming in as a new member of the family and has to be treated as such. Everyone has to be on board with taking care of him or her.
Now if this is your first time getting a dog, you are in for a lot of fun, but you just need to do your research, you need to be prepared well enough and know what to expect before going in for any dog.
Checking out Different Dog Breeds
When you are looking at the different types of dog breeds, the first thing that will likely come to mind is their size and maybe how they look. But there are other things to look at when searching for the right dog for you.
You really have to take your family into consideration when looking for a new dog. There are breeds that are very good for kids and there are ones suitable for adults. If you have a house full of kids then you should consider a dog breed that’s playful and gentle with kids. Likewise, if you stay alone, you might prefer a tougher solo kind of dog. The point is you choose a dog based on the household you are bringing him or her into.
Each dog breeds also have their personality types; some love the outdoors more than others. Some are more active than others, you should consider this when choosing a dog.
Something of prime importance when choosing a new dog is their health. Pure breeds and mixed breeds all have different types of health problems associated with them. Getting a little insight into their health issues will save you a lot of time and help you avoid already known problems.
Some dog breeds need more maintenance than others. Activities like bathing, hair shedding, regular dog grooming, etc. are different from dog to dog. Some dogs are hairier than others, some have the tendency to roll in the dirt more than others, some require more food than others.
How committed can you be to their maintenance routines? What kind of affinity do you think you can develop for this dog? These are valid questions you need to ask yourself.
Only after taking these things into consideration can you actually choose the breed that best suits you.
About Mixed-Breed.
A mixed-breed can be exactly what you need as the new dog you are planning to adopt.
The popular opinion that mixed breed dogs are inferior compared to pure breeds is just a myth and should be thoroughly disregarded. They are not just ideal but quality.
Getting a mixed breed comes with many advantages. Firstly, they are less expensive than pure breeds (mainly due to the myth above). If you are operating on a budget, a mixed breed will be a good place to start when getting a new dog.
Secondly, mixed breeds are not prone to health issues like their pure breed counterparts. The crossbreeding comes with it the advantage of a better strain, making the offspring stronger and healthier than the former. In fact, your mixed breed dogs are likely to live longer than pure breed dogs.
So how can you get a mixed breed dog? It’s actually quite simple. There is no shortage of advertisements especially in newspapers about dogs. You can also get them easily at your local animal shelter. And the easiest way to get one is to go online and search. Fortunately, because people are more predisposed to pure breeds, there is no shortage of mixed breeds out there. Some animal shelters even go the extra length of doing immunization, de-worming, spaying, and neutering of the dogs for you.
There is actually a large number of mixed breeds out there that you can choose from. Take your time and choose wisely, as he or she is going to be a lifetime companion for you and your family.
Being Objective and Logical.
To enjoy the dog or puppy you are planning to adopt, you have to be very reasonable about what you expect. Being reasonable is the key factor that will determine if the adoption is going to be a success or not.
The first thing is to be logical about what you expect from your dog. What role are you seeing the dog playing in your life? Are you looking for a dog that will be a pal for you and your family? Are you looking for a hunting dog? Or are you looking for a guard dog?
Look at your current setting and ask yourself what you really expect from your dog. These kinds of objective questions will help you make the best decision.
Secondly and more importantly, what should your dog expect from you? Yes, it is a give and take kind of relationship. You can’t take, take and take without giving something back. What amount of time do you have to spend with your dog? Do you have a busy schedule? How will your dog fit into your day to day activities? What are you going to be doing with him or her with the allotted time you have?
If you have a family, then, how is your family structured now? Are there adults in the house or just children? What is your dog going to be doing with them especially when you are not around? What responsibilities does the household have towards the dog?
Socialization, feeding, obedience training, etc. These are all things that you need to be responsible for towards your dog. How are you going to do these things?
NB. Making a member of the family who has no affinity for the dog responsible for their upkeep can lead to resentment. Make sure that the act of taking care of the dog is more an act of fun than work. That way both parties get the best out of it.
Another thing is this. Do you take frequent trips? If you do, who is going to take care of the dog then?
More importantly, your financial obligation to your dog. This comes in the form of veterinary bills, dog food, dog supplies (dog toys, dog crates, etc.) Routine maintenance etc.
Some dogs are more expensive to keep than others. How does this fit into your budget?
The truth is that many people get romantic with the thought of adopting a new dog and overlook these simple common-sense challenges. They only get to realize the problem when it is already too late.
Lastly, if you are bringing the dog into a household. It is important to discuss the adoption with everybody in the house, both kids and adults alike. These kinds of discussions will help everyone to set realistic expectations about what they can offer the puppy or dog.
This way, you can limit any unforeseen circumstances or surprises to the minimum. And the dog will feel truly welcome in your house.
Connect With Other Dog Parents.
Networking with other dog parents is important when adopting a new dog. It will help you to choose the right dog for you and also improve the experience which you will have with your new dog.
Connecting with other dog parents is an easy way for you to learn a lot about the dog breed that you are interested in. Obviously, there are many ways in which you can learn about the breed you want, but nothing beats first-hand information from the owner of a breed that you are interested in. Most Dog parents like to talk about their dogs and will easily divulge even some personal family stories as far as it is linked to the dog
Even after adopting your dog, continuing with your networking activities will help you to take better care of your dog. You will be able to get more help and advice from individuals currently taking care of the same breed you have adopted with years of experience in taking care of them.
Another way to network easily is through online clubs and forums geared towards the particular dog breed you are adopting. Of course, they have more questions and answers here about nearly anything you would want to know about your breed. It will just take you a little time to sort through the different questions and answers before arriving at what you need.
For those in America, you have the American Kennel Club, in your own country, it will be a different club. The club is a perfect place to get listings on different dog breed and breeders and much more information. It is also a good place to connect with other dog owners.
Even if you are not interested in the American Kennel Club (Maybe due to its pricy nature and maybe the types of connections available), you have so many other clubs you can join to suit your budget. This information can easily be gotten by doing a little search online. The main thing is to get out there and start connecting.
Research, Research, Research!!!
By now, it’s beginning to sound like a broken record, but the more you know about your dog, the smother his or her transition will be with you and the happier you will be with your dog. There are important factors to look out for while doing your research for your dog breed.
First, find the pedigree of the dog you are trying to adopt. If you are adopting a pure breed this is important. But what is a pedigree? A pedigree dog is a dog born of two different parents of the same breed and registered with a recognized club or society.
Most people have little or no interest in this, but firstly this is the only way you can legally verify the dog breed you are buying, and secondly, verifying your puppy’s biological parents can be a rewarding experience in your journey to adopting him or her.
Be wary of dog breeders that are not able to produce any documentation on their dogs, yes it is likely that they are being truthful, but there is also the possibility that they are not.
The same thing goes for mixed breeds and crossbreeds. Verifying what they are exactly at the beginning is important for their life with you, especially their health journey.
Look at it this way, a newborn baby should have a birth certificate with primary details of their parents, blood type, and any health issue they might have at birth or is hereditary. This will help the baby’s parents take better care of the baby at home as the do’s and don’ts are clear from the onset.
Secondly, you should put in a little effort to research the history of your dog breed. This also can be very informative for you as it takes you through what his or her predecessors were before and what has formed the dog’s temperament and personality.
Things like whether the dog was a working dog, a hunting dog or even a descendant of a royal bloodline will help you better understand why your dog would want to do something and how they can fit into your life.
Researching your dog’s history will also give you some insight into the standards expected in a particular breed. Physical characteristics, size, body tone, and even possible health problems can be discovered, putting you in a better position to know if you are ready for that breeds responsibility.
Researching your dog’s history will also put you in a position to enjoy all the positive things that your dog will bring into your life as they won’t come as a surprise. (I’m sure you have seen work dogs who with proper training are able to take care of the household when their parents are not around). Without a little research, you will not know the potential which your dog brings to the household.

Hi, I am Charles Nwankwo Editor-in-Chief, Gleaning from Professional Dog Trainers, behaviorist, Registered Veterinarians, and Breeders. We are passionate about making dog care easy for you. My job is to make sure that you get the best-updated dog care information to understand and take care of your dog or dogs.