Also Know as:
Origin: Mexico
Type: Pure Breed
Height: 6 to 9 inches
Weight: 2 to 6 pounds
Life Expectancy: 14 to 18 years
The chihuahua dog is known for their intelligence, they are always alert and easily adapt to new environments making them the go-to dogs for city dwellers and people living in small apartments. They are also known to be very devoted to their owners.
On the flip side, the chihuahua is not a good fit for kids, their size is a major disadvantage especially with kids that have not learned how to properly stay with dogs. They are also jealous dogs by nature and tend to attach themselves in an extreme way to their owners. They are also known to demand attention and are very vocal dogs.
Chihuahua’s are small dogs with standing ears, they come in two varieties, the long coat and the smooth coat form. According to the American Kennel Club, chihuahua dogs are not supposed to weigh more than six pounds, of course, we have chihuahua dogs weighing more than this, but that is the preferred standard. They have scrunched faces and also come in all color types.


All over lost civilizations, you would see artifacts of arts with dogs resembling the chihuahua in all of them. Humans have interacted with far-flung regions of the earth but unfortunately, so much history has been lost.
With the chihuahua, their first recorded history was with the people of Mexico. Thousands of years ago, the Toltecs were in control of that region. They were known to breed their favorite dog type, the Techichi. This was a bigger and heavier ancestor of today’s chihuahua dog.
After the Aztecs defeated the Toltecs in the 12th century. They took over the breeding of the Techichi and refined it into a much smaller dog. By the time the Spanish started their conquest of the Aztec civilization and their final defeat. The smaller Techichi was already an integral part of the Aztec culture. All this occurred in the 1500s.
This small dog thrived in small villages around the area till three centuries later, in the mid-1800s, Americans that sojourned the area started taking interest in the breed. Many of them were imported into America and became sweethearts to many due to their smallish nature and intelligence.
In 1908, the first Chihuahua by the name Beppie was registered by the American Kennel Club. In the 1940s and 1950s, the famous bandleader Xavier Cugat did a lot to make this breed popular. Getting to the end of the 20th century, famous films like “Legally Blonde” and “Sex and the City” all contributed to the increase in the popularity of the Chihuahua.

Hi, I am Charles Nwankwo Editor-in-Chief, Gleaning from Professional Dog Trainers, behaviorist, Registered Veterinarians, and Breeders. We are passionate about making dog care easy for you. My job is to make sure that you get the best-updated dog care information to understand and take care of your dog or dogs.