EMBRACE Pet Insurance company came into existence in 2006. The concept for the company came through the Wharton School of Business. It was a winning project idea in the Wharton Business Plan Competition 2003. 3 years later, the company comes into existence and issues its first policy. The company grew rapidly and showed so much proficiency in handling emergency claims, so much so that, they partnered with American Modern Insurance Group, performing the duties of an underwriter in 2012 and later launching a series of digital innovations in 2015.

One of EMBRACE‘s notable achievements is their partnership with Geico. When customers go to Geico to get their pet policies, they are always directed to purchase their coverage through EMBRACE.

EMBRACE also has a charity arm and they donate $2 of every policy they issue to animal shelters and rescues. They are also known to fund three veterinarian technician scholarships every year, showing their overall commitment to the well-being of pets is not just a business slogan to them but a way of being.



Embrace offers a vanishing deductible program: For every year your pet goes without filing an accident or illness claim, EMBRACE will reduce your annual deductible by $50.

They also offer an accident-only plan emergencies. You get full benefits as compared to other Pet insurance   accident-only plan has you covered.

The plan cover hospitalization and emergency care at any licensed pet clinic: Everything from the hospitalization and emergency care process is covered by  , from examination fees to specialist care.

Short waiting period for accident cover to take effect: The accident-only cover takes effect just two days after enrollment.

Free medical history review: EMBRACE will review your pet’s medical records for free and advice you on what they perceive to be potential pre-existing conditions for your pet that will not be covered. If you are not satisfied with the findings, you can cancel your policy within 30 days and get a full refund on your payment.


The wellness options are not attractive: even though EMBRACE has a wellness plan, it can only be accessed through an expensive non-insurance option and is capped out at $650 each year.

No zero-deductible offers: The minimum deductible at EMBRACE is $200 for every EMBRACE policy purchased.

You pay additional fees just for enrolling and monthly pay: If you are paying on a monthly bases as most people do, there are a lot of hidden charges you will have to pay for in the process.


With EMBRACE Pet Insurance, you get different levels of insurance coverage for your cats and dogs under their accident and illness plans. With the basic accident and illness plan, you will get reimbursed for any treatment that is not as a result of a pre-existing condition.

This accident and illness plan can be customized up to 5 different limits, 5 different deductibles, and three reimbursement amounts. If you go for the accident-only plan, you will be limited to just one choice, which is an annual deductible of $100, a limit of $5,000, and reimbursement of up to 90%.

You can supplement the accident and illness plan with the EMBRACE wellness rewards program. This is an add-on that covers preventive care for your pet. You can get reimbursement on this add-on for up to $650 per year. Keep in mind that this is an optional choice.

Find below things that are covered under the accident and illness plan:

  • Exam fees          
  • Procedures          
  • Lab tests          
  • Medication          
  • Continued treatment          
  • Genetic conditions     
  • Medical boarding     
  • Specialists     
  • Dental treatment          

Things covered under the wellness rewards program:     

  • Alternative/holistic care           
  • Behavioral treatment           
  • Preventive care           
  • Microchipping           
  • Spay/neuter surgery           
  • Vaccinations                
  • Cremation/burial


EMBRACE offers one of the most reasonable pricing you will get in the Pet Insurance Industry. For cats, you can get basic coverage for as low as $7 a month while for dogs, you can get basic coverage for as low as $14 a month.

The wellness rewards program on the other hand is a bit pricey, especially when you compare it to what it offers. The cost for insuring your pet easily goes up if you go for this addition. You should consider your gains or the value of what the wellness reward will offer you before going for it.

Keep in mind especially if you are paying monthly that EMBRACE slips in some hidden charges here and there. There is a one-time enrollment fee of $25 and a docked payment averaging $1 every month when paying installmentally.

Below is an example of the payment structure for your pets.

For dogs:

Age Accident and Illness Plan Wellness Rewards
1 year
$13.64 to $53.01
$18.75 to $52.09
3 years
$13.94 to $54.15
$18.75 to $52.09
6 years
$17.16 to $66.69
$18.75 to $52.09
12 years
$37.40 to $120.96
$18.75 to $52.09

For Cats:

Age Accident and Illness Plan Wellness Rewards
1 year
$6.99 to $27.17
$18.75 to $52.09
3 years
$8.34 to $32.41
$18.75 to $52.09
6 years
$10.79 to $41.91
$18.75 to $52.09
12 years
$18.12 to $70.39
$18.75 to $52.09


For accident coverage, the policy takes effect 2 days after enrollment, illness benefits take effect 14 days after enrollment and certain orthopedic conditions take effect six months after enrollment.


EMBRACE just like other traditional pet insurance companies does not cover pre-existing conditions. However, what EMBRACE can do for you if you register with them is to review your pet’s medical record for free, they will help you to identify things that may likely fall into the category of a pre-existing condition.

When they do this for you, it will be left for you to decide if you still want to purchase a plan to cover your pet from them. If you decide not to go with EMBRACE, you can cancel your plan for free and look at other providers. Keep in mind that if you do this within 30 days of enrollment, the cancellation will be free of charge and all payments made would be refunded.


EMBRACE does not offer lifetime limits or unlimited benefits. But you can get annual reimbursements of up to $30,000. This of course would come with high monthly premiums. You can get good coverage at good pricing as you come down a bit on the annual reimbursement limits.


Apart from pre-existing conditions, you will find that EMBRACE covers almost every other problem imaginable that your pet might encounter. There is a small caveat where EMBRACE would not put pets over 14 years of age under the accident-only coverage. This only happens if the pet has been under their coverage before they reach this age.


Claims are redeemed much like how other traditional pet insurance companies do it. You file your claim through the EMBRACE website or download the EMBRACE app onto your smartphone and file the claim through it. On average, it takes about 10 to 15 business days to process the claims. Reimbursement is done either through a direct deposit or a paper check will be given to you.


Unlike other Pet Insurance companies, EMBRACE has two main means of customers reaching out to them. These are via phone or email. The good thing about the customer service here is that it is available 24 hours every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You get help and advice on many pet problems like behavioral issues, handling emergencies, and more.

For issues that require more urgency, you may even get access to some type of video conferencing or webchat, but this will not be available right off the bat.